View Social Media Comments Policy

The Town of Elon uses social media to interact with residents, businesses and visitors about public issues related to our jurisdiction. Please note this is a moderated online discussion site and subject to North Carolina Public Records Laws, and e-discovery laws and policies.  All comments and content shared on our government-sponsored social media sites must pertain to items within the jurisdictional control or authority of our governmental unit.

The Town of Elon reserves the right to delete submissions that do not meet the purpose of this site as set out above. The following are examples of unacceptable social networking content and comments. Please note this list is not intended to be all-inclusive:

  1. Any content or comments that do not relate to the jurisdiction or authority of the jurisdiction itself.
  2. Profane or obscene language or content as determined by the profanity filters offered through each social media platform.
  3. Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetrates discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, marital status with regard to public assistance, national origin, physical or mental disability, or sexual orientation, or any other protected class of people.
  4. Duplicate posts by the same author. The original post will be left intact assuming it follows the guidelines of acceptable comments or content.
  5. Solicitations of commerce and/or, including content that contains gratuitous links. Links or references to other relevant governmental webpages or official government sites are acceptable.
  6. Promotions or content related to political organizations of any type.
  7. Advocation of illegal activity; or those that compromise safety or security of the public.
  8. Infringement on copyrights or trademarks.
  9. Confidential or non-public information, including but not limited to any personally identifiable medical information and any content that violates the legal rights of the owner of said content.

While the Town understands that social media is a 24 hour-a-day, 7 days-a-week medium, the monitoring capability of the town’s staff is not. Do NOT make requests for emergency services or immediate responses through social media. For any emergency, please dial 911.

If you would like to comment on town-proposed projects, plans, policies, and programs, please visit the Town’s website and use the contact us link to submit your comments online, or attend any of the public hearings or open comment meetings that are held. Contact information for Elon’s elected officials, management, and staff are available on the website. If you have a concern, we want to help.

Please note that the opinions and comments expressed on this social media site do not reflect the opinions and positions of the Town of Elon government, its officers, or employees. If you have any questions concerning the operation of our social media platforms and the moderated discussion rules, please contact Jill Weston by email or at 336.586.1009.

Town of Elon Social Media Comment Policy